Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Oh my, it has been a while. So I've finished honours (I got first class, yay!) and it was probably one of my favourite years of my life this far! I achieved a lot and made some cool friends and I really miss being in the lab. Right now, I'm working in tattslotto (haha) and job searching for a lab job which I'm beginning to think I'll never get. Anyway, I've realised that I'd like to start studying again next year, but doing what is another story. I love working in the lab and contributing to research, but having a career in research is not a good idea because jobs as researchers are so unstable. You only can work year by year, hoping your lab gets enough funding to support you for the next. I think that kind of lifestyle is fine for a young person, but what happens when you want to settle down? I don't think it's such a great job then, as sad as I am to say it. So it's got me sort of conflicted. I love working in a lab, but I don't want to be a researcher. I could always work as a research assistant, but I can tell you now I'll end up wanting more after a few years.

That's why I want to study more next year. I'd love to do a PhD, but it usually leads to research jobs. So I'm trying to look at other courses that somehow lead to working in a lab...but not research as such. I'm sure there are heaps of jobs that exist like that, I just have to find them and then decide what I need to study! Life, heh.

Anyway, that's actually not what I came here to blog about. I came to blog about my skin. It's kind of terrible. I've never had great skin, but after puberty I used to get the occasional pimple or two. But lately I've been breaking out pretty bad, almost like the puberty days. I was thinking to myself, why? It could be stress, but then again last year I was super stressed and I never got THIS bad. I then realised, it's my diet. Last year (and all the years before), I used to eat a bit more healthier. I didn't have junk food as often and always had lots of fruit and veg everyday. Nowadays because I'm at home so much, when I'm hungry I usually opt for the unhealthy lunch because I have a choice. Last year I only could eat what I brought to uni, which was usually a healthy sandwich/salad and fruit or something. I know scientists say eating junk food doesn't give you pimples or whatever, but it clearly does! Well, to me at least. So I've decided I'm going to seriously start eating well again. Usually when health or trying to to lose weight are my motivation, it doesn't work because deep down inside i don't care TOO much about being healthy and my weight has never really bothered me. But my skin... I'm hella self conscious about that. So hopefully that will push me to be good! I was doing some research online, and compiled a list of foods that have shown to be good for the skin:

Dark berries, peppermint, pepitas, tomatoes, watercress, red grapes, beetroot, raw brocolli, sweet potato, tofu, beans, kale, avocado, green tea, garlic and alfalfa.

I literally did research, I even read some journal articles haha. These foods seem to be the best. I shall give it a go starting today!

Anyway, that's it from me. I'll let you know if I see any improvements in my skin!

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